Relationship Problems after Marriage
Relationship problems after marriage may be more complex because of increase in lability. There are many points
where people have to be more careful. If there is any relationship issue in marriage then the whole life may suffer.
It is better to take the necessary action on time and save your life. In connection with comparative and understanding
in the marriage relationship between husband and wife, the house of birth chart influence is 7th house.
Positions of other planets are also responsible for happy or stressed relationships in a married person's life.
Common Relationship Problems in Marriage
Everyone’s married life is not the same. Some common problems of many married couples life are
- To be too passionate about your passion and try to be independent may be crucial for a healthy relationship.
You should also know what is important for your partner and his/her interest.
- Finance also plays an important role in the relationship of a couple so always invest your money wisely.
If there is any financial crisis you should talk together and should learn how to deal with your money.
- Sexual life also matters the up and down of a marriage relationship. As the desired level of partners may
be different so don't hesitate to discuss your partner openly.
- Always support your partner as she/he is not your competitor but she/he is your other hand. Her/His progress
is your progress so boost her/him up.
Relationship Problems Counseling
Counseling is very important to understand the couple’s opinion and their issues to short out their matter.
To make a relationship successful, you need to consult an Astrologer for kundali matching before marriage.
If there is any problem in your Kundli then you have sufficient time to remove the issues by remedial solutions.
Consult the best relationship problem solving expert Astrologer Lalit Kumar to get a depth analysis
and future prediction of your relationship.
Relationship Problems Solutions
To provide the best relationship problem solution by Astrology, Astrologer Lalit Kumar is always ready to
help the people who are suffering through a stressed life. He will first check the birth chart and position
of planets in their houses. He will do analysis of the degree of negative and unfavorable influences of malefic
planets and their effect like Mars Saturn sun Rahul. He will also find if there is any harmful astrology yoga
in your birth chart which is responsible for disputes in your married life or relationship like
Mangal dosh, kaal sarp Yoga etc.
Get the remedial solution to remove the effect of any malefic planet in your horoscope from him. Don’t forget to
ask him for helpful tips for a stronger, happy, peaceful and blissful married life.
To avail any of the above problems solutions by astrology, please call at: +91-9571392501 or Mail
your problem's in detail to:
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